5: All About Spirit & Spiritual Development

100 Q’s & A’s: Questions 41 to 50

Grey Hen With A Pen
4 min readApr 21, 2022


A cobweb caught between plants
Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

Please note

These are the author’s personal observations on the subject, based on their own unique experiences during scientific experiments, and the questions asked in group settings.

Not everyone may share the views and beliefs expressed, and none of the content is guaranteed as factual. The author acknowledges that other valid views and beliefs exist.

41: What is the objective of clairvoyance?

Clairvoyance is when you look through time and space, using your internal third eye. Your third eye is situated in your brow area. When you activate your third eye you pierce the ether and this enables you to ‘see’ into the Spiritual realms. You see these images in your mind’s eye, this is the area behind your closed physical eyes.

42: What is x-ray (internal) clairvoyance?

X-ray (internal) clairvoyance is a faculty some spiritual healers claim to possess, particularly those who practice psychic surgery. They suggest they can literally ‘see’ through the body of the person they are treating. They do this in order to view their patient’s internal organs and visualise what is ailing them.

43: What is trance clairvoyance?

Trance clairvoyance is when a Spirit entity is invoked and allowed to take over the physical body of a Medium in order to be able to communicate directly with someone in the physical world.

As the Medium’s personality and character have been over-shadowed by that of the Spirit entity, the Medium will have no knowledge of what is being said, or how long they have been in their trance state.

44: What is the difference between evocation and invocation?

Evocation is the use of spells or rituals to call out to the Spirit world in order to manifest with their physical appearance and communicate with the evokers.

Invocation is when a Spirit is summoned and allowed to take over the physical body of the invoker — such as a trance Medium — in order to communicate, to ask for their help, or to to use their power.



Grey Hen With A Pen

Patricia Minson writes poems, short stories, and articles on a variety of subjects from Art & Writing to Spirituality & True Crime.