The phenomena we know as angels
Dionysius the Areopagite
Growing up I was fascinated by the thought of angels, particularly the Cherubim and Seraphim, who I felt held a special kind of magic. As with most children of my generation, I was familiar with the Archangels Gabriel, Michael and Raphael from the bible stories I was told at Sunday School. I would like to think we all have a Guardian Angel, although I prefer to use the term Companion Angel.
Angels are essentially spiritual entities which are much more powerful than any human being.The word angel comes from the Greek word angelos which means ‘messenger’. Traditionally, angels have been seen as messengers sent to deliver God’s news to the people.
Most of our angelic knowledge comes from the writings of one man — Dionysius the Areopagite. Dionysius was Greek and and influential Christian figure. He wrote three treatises: The Divine Names, The Celestial Hierarchy, and The Ecclesiastical Hierarchy. He also wrote the shorter treatise The Mystical Theology as well as ten letters explaining in detail the mysteries of the angels and the angelic realms.
When we talk about angels, we say they inhabit the celestial realms. Celestial is a term which refers to something relating to the heavens, to the Divine, or to Spirit. The word can also be used to describe a state of supreme good, or the sublime (peace and happiness).
Celestial bodies are objects that relate to the skies, and the wider universe — the stars, planets, and galaxies. Angels are sometimes referred to as Celestial Bodies.
This is the term used to describe the veneration, or worship of angels. In ancient times humankind used their belief in angels to try and harness their power to help themselves and others.
Theurgy (Greek: theourgia: miracle, theos; God, ergos; working) is the word which describes the method of summoning and commanding angelic beings. This is more commonly known as Angel Magick, and it was done in one of two ways:
- by evocation
- by invocation
Evocation is the use of spells and rituals to call out to the Angels to evoke their physical presence in order to communicate with, and work with them.
Invocation is when an Angel is summoned and allowed to possess (take over the physical body) of the invoker. This was considered to be an easier, but more dangerous method of working.
Angels come and go at will. Their purpose is to do the bidding of the Divine Spirit, they are not meant to be servants of humankind. They are creatures of immense power and cannot be compelled to do anything.
Goety describes the method for summoning and commanding the demons which also inhabit the angelic realms. These are referred to as the Fallen Angels as they have fallen from God’s Grace.
Grigori is the collective name for a group of fallen angels. We know their leader as Satan, Lucifer, or the Devil. The majority of the fallen angels come from the Powers, a clan in Dionysius’ second choir. Tradition tells us that a group of angels from the Powers were sent to Earth to oversee the early progress of humankind, this was after Adam and Eve had been cast out of paradise.
These angels began to meddle in the progress, and started to teach the people esoteric sciences such as divination, astrology, magick and herb-craft. The angels also began to lust after human women, forming alliances with them and procreating. Their offspring were known as Nephilim. God sent the great flood to Earth, not only to punish the people, but to also rid the world of the unholy Nephilim.
Celestial Light
This is thought to be the ‘sacred light’ of all the ages since the moment of creation. According to ancient beliefs, the celestial light was one of the seven precious gifts given to Adam (the first man) by God (his creator). It is said that humankind will receive this gift again in the Messianic Time (at the time of the ‘Second Coming’).
Celestial light is the radiating halo that emanates during visions of a mystic nature. It is said this light is mainly seen by those people who have lived an ascetic life and then, only when they are at the point of returning to Spirit.
Celestial Hierarchy
This describes the ranks of the angels in heaven. Angels belong to families, or clans arranged in three dimensions (tiers or categories). There are three families in each tier. The tiers are also known as choirs. Each rank has it own clearly defined duties and honours.
The First Choir is the highest tier. The angel families in this tier are the Seraphim, Cherubim and the Thrones.
The Second Choir is the middle tier. The angel families in this tier are the Dominions (Dominations), Virtues and the Powers.
The Third Choir is the lowest tier. The angel families in this tier are the Principalities (Angel Princes), Archangels and Companion Angels.
I have taken my openness to Angels into my adult life — although, I have to say, I am not consciously aware of their presence as I go about my everyday, earthly tasks. I would not advocate using evocation or invocation as a method of communication, preferring instead to meditate and hope my angelic companions will take time to listen to me, and to guard and guide me when I need help.
This article is not intended to be presented as authoritarian or scholarly. Although some might find the contents helpful as part of their own spiritual development, these scribblings are merely my attempt to share with those who read them, my personal observations on the subject based around my own unique experiences.
The views and beliefs expressed may not be shared by everyone, and nothing that is written can be guaranteed as fact. The author acknowledges that other valid views and beliefs exists.