

Yet another judge fails to appreciate my poetic genius

Grey Hen With A Pen
1 min readMay 1, 2024


Photo by jules a. on Unsplash

“A poem begins with a lump in the throat.” Robert Frost


A poem begins with a lump in the throat
As I read the critique of the words that I wrote.

My tongue feels tied, I’m full of emotion,
Annoyed, and fed up by the judges’ rejection.

Is it mere verse, or something profound?
Unfazed by my critics, I stand my ground.

I pick up my pen, and as quick as a flash
I’ve written an ode with a dozen comebacks.

I simmer, and fume, and then I revise,
Delete the expletives ’til it satisfies.

Now, is it a poem? Or merely poetic?
And what do I care if people don’t get it?

So what? I’m not Heaney, nor Browning or Frost.
I’ve five thousand followers and that’s just on TikTok.

Upwards and onwards, I won’t ever give up,
This after all’s just another hiccup

On my journey to fully-fledged writer and poet,
With five star reviews and a BBC credit.

Thanks Robert Frost, ‘cos I borrowed your quote,
For the poem that began with a lump in my throat.



Grey Hen With A Pen

Patricia Minson write poems, short stories, and articles on a variety of subjects from Art & Writing to Spirituality & True Crime.